Mass Intentions and Sanctuary Candle

For you, Lord, give light to my lamp; my God brightens my darkness.    (Ps. 18:29)

Masses may be booked in memory of a deceased loved one or for a living person.  If you have a particular day in mind, please call us to book a Mass well in advance, particularly for a weekend Mass.  Our Sanctuary Candle will burn each week in memory of a deceased loved one or for a living person.

Guidelines for scheduling intentions:

  1. Mass intentions may be scheduled up to a year in advance. Due to the limited availability of weekend Masses, no one person may schedule more than ONE WEEKEND MASS PER QUARTER, or four weekend Masses per year.
  2. There is no limit to the number of DAILY MASS INTENTIONS that may be scheduled for any one person.
  3. One weekend Mass on each weekend must be celebrated for the intentions of the parish, or pro populo. This is required by Canon Law (c. 534).
  4. Canon 948 states, “Separate Masses are to be applied for the intentions of those for whom a single offering, although small, has been given and accepted.” Therefore, only one intention may be scheduled for any given Mass.

The suggested stipend for each of these options is $10, which is a voluntary offering, as Canon 948 stipulates that “any appearance of trafficking or trading is to be excluded entirely from the offering for Masses.” Canon 947 states, “The Christian faithful who give an offering to apply the Mass for their intention contribute to the good of the Church and by that offering share its concern to support its ministers and works.”.

To book a Mass Intention or the Sanctuary candle, please call the parish office at (603) 623-2604 or stop by the rectory during office hours: 9am – 2pm.