Respect Life Committee

Respect Life Committee

Yet to those who repent he grants a return, and he encourages those who are losing hope. (Sir. 17:24)

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops writes, “we proclaim that human life is a precious gift from God; that each person who receives this gift has responsibilities toward God, self and others; and that society through its laws and social institutions, must protect and nurture human life at every stage of its existence.”

The Respect Life Committee at Saint Raphael Parish  supports a variety of pregnancy-help organizations in the city of Manchester such as CareNet, Birthright, the Prayer for Life Center at Pennacook Street, and Our Place.  Each of these organzations helps  women who find themselves with unintended pregnancies to complete their pregnancy and find loving and appropriate homes for themselves and their children.  The Committee supports Natural Family Planning and works against laws that promote abortion.

Each November, the Committee hosts a “Baby Shower” with donated items and each May sponsors a “baby bottle collection” to raise money for pregnancy-help organizations to continue their work.

Please contact the parish office at 603-623-2604 if you are interested in participating in this ministry.  The Committee meets each month on Wednesday evenings – dates are announced in the parish bulletin.