Seasonal Resources:The season of Christmas begins with Vigil Masses celebrated on Christmas Eve and concludes on the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord. We celebrate the birth of Christ into our world and our hearts. The Christmas season is a time of celebration, offering us the opportunity to reflect on the gift of salvation. There are many popular Christmas traditions and symbols of the season. Below you will find resources, including our Mass Schedule for Advent and Christmas, a chalk blessing for the Feast of the Epiphany, and several online resources. |
Women’s Fellowship Group: Did you know that the Christmas season ends on the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord?! Which means we have more time to enjoy this beautiful season! Join the women’s fellowship group on Saturday, January 4th at 10:00am to learn about and discuss the many feasts we celebrate this season! If you have goodies from the holidays and would like to share them, please bring them along! To learn more about our women’s fellowship group, visit: women’s fellowship group. | |
Chalking the Door: On the Feast of the Epiphany, a common custom is to mark the lintel of the front door to your home with blessed chalk. Asking for God’s blessing for the new year, this practice serves as a reminder for us to let the meaning of the written symbols sink into the depths of our heart and be manifested through our words and actions. Blessed chalk and blessings for the new year will be available on the Feast of the Epiphany, which will be celebrated January 5, 2025! | |
Feast of the Baptism of the Lord: Join us on January 11th following the 4:00pm Mass for an open house at the parish rectory. RSVP is required for planning. Please RSVP by January 7 to: or call our parish office at 603.623.2604. | |
Christmas Spotify Playlist: Check out our Parish Spotify Playlist for the Christmas Season! What are your favorite Christmas carols and songs?
Celebrating the Christmas Season: Check out our Google Site (Click Here) or the links below for resources to help you celebrate the Christmas season. | |