Volunteering at Saint Raphael Parish

Thank you for your interest in volunteering at Saint Raphael Parish!  There are many opportunities for volunteers in the parish and ways that you can share your gifts and talents with your parish family.  If you are not sure how your talents and gifts can best serve the parish community, use this Spiritual Gifts Inventory to discover your gifts and how they might be used. 

Explore the opportunities below to learn more about volunteer roles at Saint Raphael Parish.  If you would like to become a volunteer, please complete the volunteer application packet and submit it to our parish office at 103 Walker Street, Manchester, NH 03102. 

Please complete the following forms and submit completed paperwork
to the Parish Office at 103 Walker Street, Manchester, NH 03102

If you are interested in volunteering at Saint Raphael Parish, please complete the following:

Step One: SRP Volunteer Information Form

Step Two: Diocese of Manchester Volunteer Application

Step Three: Complete Safe Haven Online Training

Step Four: Complete NH Background Check

NH Background Check Instructions & Form

Massachusetts Background Check (Complete if you live in or have lived in Massachusetts within the past five years).

Choicepoint Background Check (Complete if you live in or have lived within any other states outside of NH or MA within the past five years).